Rock Paper Sweet

A collection of imaginative wedding ideas & stylish everyday living, from the rings to the favors to the 'happily ever afters.'

Friday, September 9, 2011

Bride & Groom Corn Hole

Here's a fun idea: wedding day corn hole!  For those of us who have been to a college football tailgate party, we know all about this game.  For those of you who may be unfamiliar with it, the point of this game is to toss the bean bags into the hole to win points.  The corn hole boxes are placed about 24 feet apart, and teams of two are made.  Each player has four bean bags to throw per round.  If the bean bag goes in the hole, it counts as 3 points.  If it lands on the box but does not go in the hole, it counts as 1 point.  If the bean bag touches the ground at any point after being tossed, it does not count - even if it bounces back onto the box.  At the end of each round, the points are tallied.  The team with the most points subtracts the points of the other team from theirs, and the players move on to another round.  The first team to get 21 points wins.

Bride & Groom Corn Hole
found on style me pretty.

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